Sunday, November 16, 2008

Lesson in ....LOVE!

Ohhhhhhh Dear!
It's one of those threshold moments in life!
Our first born...our baby girl is growing up and 'fallen in love'!

Just like something out of the Steve Martin can't help but look across and see the little half pint that used to run around with her brothers and had a repertoire of questions that seemed to never end!

From the age of 2, we have actively been involved in prayer and discussion about who 'God had for her' and for her brothers...our Pastor had pointed out that just as we pray for everything else in our lives, it was also important to pray for their future spouses, to pray for their protection, their growth and development and that God's plans for them come to fruition...and we did.

Our children have always known how important relationships are...the significance of what God intended for a relationship between a man and woman and they have always taken it quite seriously...

So here we are....six months after her 'beaux' and her have been in prayer, asking God for guidance about whether they were meant to take their friendship more seriously...

We had the "meet the parents' afternoon on Sunday and despite my many preconceived apprehensions, I couldn't help but admire the boy for his obvious honesty, commitment and openness.

How many young men these days are really willing to actively desire, want and wait for parent's blessings and permission, even just as boyfriend/girlfriend.... especially that of two strangers who he very well knows are quite strict, to say the least!

Both the kids are from Christian families and despite being young, his sense of morals and outlook on life did nothing but leave us speechless. He sat with DAD, who throughout our daughter's childhood had joked through snarled teeth that maybe one day, she could think of starting to date at the age of 30!

As parents we too have been praying for guidance about this budding romance...honestly wanting God's will to be done in our children's lives, as we have always done and thus far...God has brought us to this point and allowed what we see today.

I stand here now, knowing that we are entering a whole new chapter with my baby girl...needing to take a step up...needing to give more time and care to other lessons, that are as important in her life as the academics. Like any other parent, you don't want to see them heartbroken...though I know well that there will be the unavoidable cardiac exercises! I want her to grow as a woman, not as the world would define this period but as God DOES! My husband and I have always believed God's ways above those of this world, popular culture....humbug...we have surprised many an observer as we have chosen and been prompted by God in the raising of our this day...God has never led us astray!

Thus.....the new examine love...Agape love...the love that God meant us to exercise, pursue and grow in. The challenge of learning the roles of a woman... through the eyes of God, who contrary to 'popular' belief is truly beautiful and fulfilling.

I pray, like always, that God guide us through these days and like before, I surrender this to him because I know that under His guidance and wisdom, we will learn and grow and take that next step to trusting Him with our lives and futures.

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