Saturday, November 15, 2008

Test of .....all measures....Keep your eyes fixed on the Lord...Only then will YOUR eyes see and true understanding happen!

What do you do when the reality around you doesn't make sense with the truth you know?

What do you believe in when it all seems to be unravelling around you?

How do you help those being tested to understand that God has other plans...good plans...when the troubles speak louder in their lives and makes this sound unreal to them?

How do you not lose faith when it all seems so wrong and you don't understand how it happened?

The enemy of our lives is a deceiver and he plays dirty....but it is only a game...meant to deter you from the path, from the way...the path we are meant to be on!

I have been tested in the the midst of darkness...when everything around me seemed to be broken forever ...BUT there was one thing I could not ignore... just before the test had come...God had shown me in a dream not to take my eyes off him, regardless of what I saw around me!He even specifically showed me who I was to keep my eyes off! True to His word...although I struggled through it...I fell... had my share of panic...I can say that the Holy Spirit would remind me of what God had said to me and shown me and He would remind me of it in the middle of all the chaos and it would pick me up spiritually and I would raise my eyes again, above everything that seemed to be falling apart around me AND...He got me through it...He changed things....He broke the things that had come to destroy us! It may sound dramatic....but it is true! God did it! But I had to keep my eyes on Him....He says in His word...Call what is not what is! That means, what is in accordance with His Word is the truth...that is reality...whether you want to believe it or not and we have the right to speak His truth over the situations and circumstances that we face....because His plans for our lives, our families our world is REAL...Let Thy kingdom come...Let Thy will be done...on Earth as it is in HEAVEN...because of the precious Blood of Jesus...we have the right to claim this victory and apply His power over the works of the devil, who's only goal is to destroy and rob what God has created and what God desires in our lives!

Today, I face a new so close to my heart that it frightens me when I look at the possibilites that could occur if it were to gain any footing in our lives....However, God spoke to me in praise and worship just before things began to unfold with these particular problems and He spoke to my spirit and said not to listen to what I was to hear....I knew what He meant...He was talking about the 'manifestations' that were to come....not that I was meant to ignore the problems or the details but to know that that was not from Him and if I was willing to fight and get through this with Him...I knew in the heart of my hearts that He would get us through.

Again...I am in the midst of it...It seems overwhelming at times! It scares me! I long for it to be resolved and I cry out to God for His mercy! know what....the only thing I know for certain is that God is good and I must not let the lies become accepted truths....I am standing for what is right...what is right before the eyes of God and that is suffice! It may not make sense to those around makes me feel so alone at times....but I will listen to what God guides me to do...and I know it is from God because it is in accordance with His word...not my flesh or my desires! I will believe and exercise the faith that He has shown me thus far....

It is easy to believe God when times are good and things are relatively peaceful...It is a joy!
It is harder to believe God for times that are excruciatingly areas where hope seems harder to access and sometimes even impossible! In things that we never imagined would touch our lives! know makes you makes you grow up as a a a allows you to understand the pain and suffering that many have no other choice but to live and puts you in a place where you can reach out to others with understanding...not just empty words....There is no testimony without a test, they say! And again God says that we shall overcome the enemy with the Word of God and with our testimonies!

God is God and He will never fail us!
Prayer is powerful....God's Word says that His words shall never return empty!
The work that He begins....He will always complete!

How do I know this....because even in the midst of the warfare that the enemy of our soul targets against us...God has shown me little ...BUT huge blessings and answers to prayers that I had long forgotten...they are like whispers from God, saying and encouraging me to keep keeping on!

Thank you, Lord for being the God of the impossible!
Thank you for the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus, that has given us the confidence of a new life and hope for all areas of our lives as we submit them to you!

Thank you God for loving us and caring for our every situation!

Thank you God for listening and answering our prayers!

Thank you God for the victory over these situations that we are facing, for the deliverance from everyting that exalts itself against You in our lives!

Thank you God that Your Word is the final word over our lives!


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