Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My Fair Lady and the stage production!

Our Homeschooling journey has had many life lessons over the last couple of weeks...some quite testing...yet, all of them have proven to be quite revealing and insightful pieces to the bigger jigsaw puzzle that is our life!

Today, we had an awesome experience with some fellow HS families as we all went to see "My Fair Lady" at the Theatre Royal, Sydney. It was my protege's first theatre experience outside of the awesome productions we've seen through our church and churches like Hillsong, as well as some quite spectacular end of year plays that Calvary Chapel Christian School used to present, many of which my kids had taken part in. Here was something we had seen in a movie and we were curious to see how they would translate all that we had seen there onto a live stage! We were not disappointed! The whole musical held your attention and even the set changes were creative and breath-taking. The races at Ascot were soooo well English and proper! We loved it!

At age 17, my 'Fair Little Lady' is experiencing many leaps of knowledge and experience that come with the territory....the good, the bad and the ugly. However, despite the tests, God has been steering the cruise ship through all troubled and calm waters.

Lately....I can't help but have these constant flashbacks to when she and my boys were these three little individuals...and that's the very word...individuals...and as they begin to establish themselves in this bigger world of theirs, it can prove to be really worrying at times for us as parents!

Just when I think...THAT'S IT...THEY'VE LOST IT...God does put me to shame...because they will come out with the the basics we have tried to lead them to...and yet with added depth as they have learnt to apply God's principles to the situations and tests that they have to deal with in their own lives!

It's just a matter of trusting God...regardless of what the panic and worry triggers inside try to create. I remember my husband very early on in our parenthood, kneeling before God and saying to Him that he was giving the kids back to Him...for God to raise them and guide them and basically surrendered them to Him. Not understanding fully what this involved....I kind of panicked! What was he doing, I thought!

On this side of the journey, I understand that what he did was very insightful and I know that the basically trouble-free childhood I enjoyed with my three was because of God's presence in their lives!

Thank you God for listening to him rather than to my ungrounded concerns!

HENCE.... we confront, embrace and grow everyday...remembering to try to be flexible from the perpective of dealing with what comes our way..... not with the principles!

As parents we were extremely proud of our 'baby girl's' course results today...she was given another DISTINCTION for her last assignment...all of which was her own work!!!! This has only proven to encourage her and reinforce the constant nagging that " MOM" has been doing about her being capable of achieving anything she puts her mind to....which as your typical teenager does not necessarily have her academic achievements in first place, however, having committed to this course...deadlines have to be met and course units completed...all within the learning and growing and responsibility perimeters!

Our boys too have been coming home with Merit certificates from school!

So all round...we are some mighty proud parents...knowing that these little things are proving to them that they have no need to be concerned about having others recognize their achievements and abilities...something that because of opinions held by our many 'schooled' friends had chipped away at their self-confidence and even self-esteem, as their ability 'to cope in the real world out there' was always questioned!!!!!

Tests aside...troubles dealt with and forgotten...I thank God for these children and the husband He gave me...

I am humbled and awed....

I only pray that He guide me every step of they way as I carry out my roles of mother, teacher, friend, wife and 'helper'.

To many these choices represent that I have limited my abilities...yet...I am challenged daily...I've grown in ways that I would never have dreamt possible through the commitment of marriage and family...

God and my family keep me real...Thank God!

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