This was part of her ACE program and was organized at the school premises in Riverstone.
It was actually a lovely opportunity for us to see the facilities that the school has there and the whole workshop was a fascinating experience.
The kids were firstly given a general introduction to the technicalities (developing a storyboard, jargon, etc) and some thought provoking issues before being instructed to get into teams so that they could get into the practical side of their production.
The kids were firstly given a general introduction to the technicalities (developing a storyboard, jargon, etc) and some thought provoking issues before being instructed to get into teams so that they could get into the practical side of their production.
My protege teamed up with two girls who we she had never met before, which gave her the opportunity to experience the intrincacies of working as a team with total strangers. It went quite well...given the time was relatively short to fully be able to get each of them to exercise their full creative juices...they were able to produce a clever little animation.
Through their storyboard, they developed the theme of a surfer 'dude' going out for a surf...only to be chased back to shore by a shark. They were each responsible for actually creating their props from plasticine and then took turns executing the numerous minuscule movements that it takes to make the animation a success.
My Creative Genius was put in charge creating the surfer, who was even given a 6 pack abdomen!
Having prepared all their props, the girls went on to put into practice all the skills the Trainer had shown them and they did a pretty impressive job. He was actually pretty impressed with their final work and told them they had done really well in the detailing work it takes to put an animation together....

We walked away with a whole new appreciation for digital animation and again another unforgettable experience in our Homeschool journal!
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