Friday, November 28, 2008
It's raining....Memories!
It's in the blood!
We are all gifted with different skills from God and it's such a joy when we actually work them out early in life.
Yesterday eldest son had trials for what, he had said was a rep team. We made our way there, excited but subdued, knowing that if it was God's will it would work out...if not...there would be other things waiting for him.
Having not played soccer for a year, since being on a first division team in the Western Suburbs, he went on to the field a little bit apprehensive...but first, I had reminded him that he had nothing to be nervous was 'in his blood', ...He's half Peruvian and half's just something that comes naturally to him! His brother...I reminded him...had played reps for the state of Arequipa, in Peru during his youth...this was now his time... and he should have no worries about giving it a go. It all just comes naturally to him, I coaxed!
During a 30 second break, he came up to me and I asked him how he was which he sheepishly smirked...."Ok....It just comes naturally". Using my famous last words!
The game went on and I began to notice that players were called by one they went son was still on the field, so I concluded....OK...that's a GOOD SIGN!
Then after a while...he was taken off!
What was THIS supposed to mean, I thought....maybe they were just trying to work out the place for son plays was settled in my mind as a reasonable explanation.
Time went on and son sat waiting on the sideline...came and sat with me for a while...went back...the game still went on and then the boys on the field were given a couple of minutes break while at the same time, the boys that had been off the field, my son included, were beckoned over to the side.....
From a distance....I wondered...What was going on? What was the guy saying?
My son made his way back....head bowed down a bit and as he approached me, he looked me straight in the eye and said, " Nah, Mom...didn't make it" just before a huge smile took over his expression and he asked me to quickly come because we had to sign some papers!
He HAD MADE IT! OH, how proud a Mom can feel! I was beside myself....But wait!
We we were taken to the clubhouse and given a spiel about the team and what was expected of them and they were asked if they were willing to make a serious commitment. All agreed.
I looked over to my son's face across the room....seeing not the 15 year old young man for a minute, but the little man that loved to run as fast as he could from the very first day that those little legs discovered motion! Time goes by sooooo fast! Sigh!
Then the Club Administrator was explaining to us that we had to sign some forms and that in the section where it asked the name of the club.....we fill in....The University of NSW!
IF I COULD HAVE SCREAMED......IT WOULD HAVE REGISTERED ON THE RICHTER SCALE! REALLY! I had to do everything humanly possible to hold it in and act like the mature parent...that I was supposed to be!
My son and I filled in the papers and thanked the organizers...making our way to the car. All cool, calm and collected.
Once that car door was closed behind us.....I was a squeeling maniac! OH BOY! OHHHHHHHHH BOY! The University of of the teams for the University of NSW! WAS I ONE PROUD MOM!
Only the car interior and my son know how many times I voiced my surprise, pride and shock one after the other on the drive home.
My baby boy....having made another great achievement in his life!
Oh Lord! Thank you so much for this life....annoint him and bless him and draw him ever closer to you!
That is my prayer......That is one of my many thanksgivings for today!
Monday, November 24, 2008
A wander tae kintra o the Scots!....A trip to the land of the Scots!
This week we are beuk-lair (learning) aboot Scotland!
An educational vaige (journey) to lear (learn) aboot it's fowk (people), it's kintra (country), it's farin (food) and its history.
The offeecial langage or leid (language) of Scotland is English however there is a remnant of about 1% that still speak Scots Gaelic...sadly the statistics show that there are more Scot Gaelic speakers in Canada than there are in Scotland itself! Scottish Gaelic or Scot is spoken mainly in the Highlands and Western Isles as well as Glasgow, Edinburgh and Inverness. There are actually small Gaelic speaking communities in Canada, especially in Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Island as well as Australia, New Zealand and the USA.
Scottish Gaelic is closely related to Manx and irish and was brought to Scotland around the fourth century A.D. by Scots from Ireland. Scottish Gaelic was spoken throughout Scotland between the ninth and eleventh centuries A.D. but began to retreat north form the eleventh century A.D. onwards. All Scottish Gaelic dialects are mutually intelligible.
The Scottish Gaelic Alphabet:
A a ailm (elm)
B b Beith (birch)
C c Coll (hazel)
D d Dair (oak)
E e Eadha (Aspen)
F f Fearn (Alder)
G g Gort (Ivy)
H h Uath (Hawthorn)
I i Iogh (Yew)
L l Luis (Rowan)
M m Muin (vine)
N n Nuin (Ash)
O o Oir/Onn (Gorse)
P p Peithe (Guelder Rose)
R r Ruis (Elder)
S s Suil (Willow)
T t Teine (Furze)
U u Ur (Heather)
Scottish Gaelic has 18 letters, each named after a tree or shrub!
Vowels are included amongst the letters of the alphabet and can sometimes have written accents on them:
Grave Accents
à , è, ì, ò, ù
They indicate a longer version of the vowel but are not considered separate letters. The use of the grave accents can change the very meaning of the words.
bà ta (a boat) versus bata (a stick):
á, é, ó
Scottish Gaelic Phrases:
I've been playing roond aboot with a Scots online translator in a gawky touristy effort to lear a wee bit of Scot!
We looked at some maps of Scotland to familiarize ourselves a wee bit with the main towns and locations.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Learning Digital Art....
The kids were firstly given a general introduction to the technicalities (developing a storyboard, jargon, etc) and some thought provoking issues before being instructed to get into teams so that they could get into the practical side of their production.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Zoo by day....Galaxy World by night !
Wrapping up quite a week, our Homeschool Day revolved around a visit to Taronga Park Zoo!
Missing out on an early start, saw my protege and I drive into the city and park our car in our favorite Haymarket carpark...worried that we would be late AGAIN for our rendezvous with the rest of the Homeschoolers...
We made our way to George Street, looking around like two country bumpkins for the nearest bus stop, that would take us down to Circular Quay... stressing a bit because it was already 9 and we were meant to meet the Teen Group at 10:30, a bus drive, ferry ride and subsequent bus drive away!
The arrival at Circular Quay always gets my pulse racing with pleasure... I love this place...all the history...the beauty...sigh...
Out came the phone cameras as we killed some time and did the silly poses... followed by many 'oh get rid of that one' and the delete option...happily knowing that the ferry was already within sight....
Suddenly....we noticed that the sign and subsequent message regarding the ferry that had just arrived...said...NOTHING... about Taronga Park Zoo!
Securely at the right wharf, we boarded our officially running late!
But... momentarily we couldn't help but put all concerns aside as the ferry chugged its way out of the wharves and into SYDNEY HARBOUR!
All in all, it gave us time to take more pics, buy our tickets, browse through the shop and purchase a safari hat! Yeah...a safari was turning out to be quite a HOT day and not having been prepared, I didn't have a hat...and you know what it's go into these souvenir shops and EVERYTHING looks sooo cute! Saw the hat...thought...Dr Livingstone, I presume...had a giggle AND BOUGHT IT!
The day was well worth it..... we enjoyed the company of friends, we caught some of the shows and just took the time to look at the wonderful creatures that God has created!
In the March Family sitting room....
We went with a HS group that wasn't our usual group of familiar faces however, we had a wonderful time
The Musical was very different to the My Fair Lady one we saw a couple of weeks ago...I loved it just as much, for different reasons and my daughter found that she loved Little Women and preferred it to MFL.
In any case, the actors played their roles marvellously...stirring laughter, annoyance, shock, sadness, romance, hope and the desire to stand for what you believe in.
The death of Beth, like in the book and the movies, was a time to feel so many mixed emotions of grief and loss. How it reminded me of losing my own loved couldn't help but remember and even briefly relive it, especially when the mother is angrily questioned by Jo about how she is able to just 'continue with life' even though Beth is gone and in her reply, Mrs March shares how heartwrenching it is to have to be strong and focused for the sake of her family, how she would have never imagined this happening and how she missed her child. Having gone through the loss of my mom and having to have put my own grief and pain aside for the sake of my very young children, I felt I could feel what she was trying to explain. The actress was so spot on with this part.......I could have gone down to the stage and given her a hug...feeling that I knew exactly what she was talking about....Sigh!
What a pleasure it was....for hours afterwards, I actually missed being there in the March family sitting room, sharing their lives. The very fact that I was stirred to even feel like this proves to me how well the actors played their parts and how they made this a great experience to attend.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Lesson in ....LOVE!
Ohhhhhhh Dear!
It's one of those threshold moments in life!
Our first born...our baby girl is growing up and 'fallen in love'!
Just like something out of the Steve Martin can't help but look across and see the little half pint that used to run around with her brothers and had a repertoire of questions that seemed to never end!
From the age of 2, we have actively been involved in prayer and discussion about who 'God had for her' and for her brothers...our Pastor had pointed out that just as we pray for everything else in our lives, it was also important to pray for their future spouses, to pray for their protection, their growth and development and that God's plans for them come to fruition...and we did.
Our children have always known how important relationships are...the significance of what God intended for a relationship between a man and woman and they have always taken it quite seriously...
So here we are....six months after her 'beaux' and her have been in prayer, asking God for guidance about whether they were meant to take their friendship more seriously...
We had the "meet the parents' afternoon on Sunday and despite my many preconceived apprehensions, I couldn't help but admire the boy for his obvious honesty, commitment and openness.
How many young men these days are really willing to actively desire, want and wait for parent's blessings and permission, even just as boyfriend/girlfriend.... especially that of two strangers who he very well knows are quite strict, to say the least!
Both the kids are from Christian families and despite being young, his sense of morals and outlook on life did nothing but leave us speechless. He sat with DAD, who throughout our daughter's childhood had joked through snarled teeth that maybe one day, she could think of starting to date at the age of 30!
As parents we too have been praying for guidance about this budding romance...honestly wanting God's will to be done in our children's lives, as we have always done and thus far...God has brought us to this point and allowed what we see today.
I stand here now, knowing that we are entering a whole new chapter with my baby girl...needing to take a step up...needing to give more time and care to other lessons, that are as important in her life as the academics. Like any other parent, you don't want to see them heartbroken...though I know well that there will be the unavoidable cardiac exercises! I want her to grow as a woman, not as the world would define this period but as God DOES! My husband and I have always believed God's ways above those of this world, popular culture....humbug...we have surprised many an observer as we have chosen and been prompted by God in the raising of our this day...God has never led us astray!
Thus.....the new examine love...Agape love...the love that God meant us to exercise, pursue and grow in. The challenge of learning the roles of a woman... through the eyes of God, who contrary to 'popular' belief is truly beautiful and fulfilling.
I pray, like always, that God guide us through these days and like before, I surrender this to him because I know that under His guidance and wisdom, we will learn and grow and take that next step to trusting Him with our lives and futures.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Test of .....all measures....Keep your eyes fixed on the Lord...Only then will YOUR eyes see and true understanding happen!
What do you do when the reality around you doesn't make sense with the truth you know?
What do you believe in when it all seems to be unravelling around you?
How do you help those being tested to understand that God has other plans...good plans...when the troubles speak louder in their lives and makes this sound unreal to them?
How do you not lose faith when it all seems so wrong and you don't understand how it happened?
The enemy of our lives is a deceiver and he plays dirty....but it is only a game...meant to deter you from the path, from the way...the path we are meant to be on!
I have been tested in the the midst of darkness...when everything around me seemed to be broken forever ...BUT there was one thing I could not ignore... just before the test had come...God had shown me in a dream not to take my eyes off him, regardless of what I saw around me!He even specifically showed me who I was to keep my eyes off! True to His word...although I struggled through it...I fell... had my share of panic...I can say that the Holy Spirit would remind me of what God had said to me and shown me and He would remind me of it in the middle of all the chaos and it would pick me up spiritually and I would raise my eyes again, above everything that seemed to be falling apart around me AND...He got me through it...He changed things....He broke the things that had come to destroy us! It may sound dramatic....but it is true! God did it! But I had to keep my eyes on Him....He says in His word...Call what is not what is! That means, what is in accordance with His Word is the truth...that is reality...whether you want to believe it or not and we have the right to speak His truth over the situations and circumstances that we face....because His plans for our lives, our families our world is REAL...Let Thy kingdom come...Let Thy will be done...on Earth as it is in HEAVEN...because of the precious Blood of Jesus...we have the right to claim this victory and apply His power over the works of the devil, who's only goal is to destroy and rob what God has created and what God desires in our lives!
Today, I face a new so close to my heart that it frightens me when I look at the possibilites that could occur if it were to gain any footing in our lives....However, God spoke to me in praise and worship just before things began to unfold with these particular problems and He spoke to my spirit and said not to listen to what I was to hear....I knew what He meant...He was talking about the 'manifestations' that were to come....not that I was meant to ignore the problems or the details but to know that that was not from Him and if I was willing to fight and get through this with Him...I knew in the heart of my hearts that He would get us through.
Again...I am in the midst of it...It seems overwhelming at times! It scares me! I long for it to be resolved and I cry out to God for His mercy! know what....the only thing I know for certain is that God is good and I must not let the lies become accepted truths....I am standing for what is right...what is right before the eyes of God and that is suffice! It may not make sense to those around makes me feel so alone at times....but I will listen to what God guides me to do...and I know it is from God because it is in accordance with His word...not my flesh or my desires! I will believe and exercise the faith that He has shown me thus far....
It is easy to believe God when times are good and things are relatively peaceful...It is a joy!
It is harder to believe God for times that are excruciatingly areas where hope seems harder to access and sometimes even impossible! In things that we never imagined would touch our lives! know makes you makes you grow up as a a a allows you to understand the pain and suffering that many have no other choice but to live and puts you in a place where you can reach out to others with understanding...not just empty words....There is no testimony without a test, they say! And again God says that we shall overcome the enemy with the Word of God and with our testimonies!
God is God and He will never fail us!
Prayer is powerful....God's Word says that His words shall never return empty!
The work that He begins....He will always complete!
How do I know this....because even in the midst of the warfare that the enemy of our soul targets against us...God has shown me little ...BUT huge blessings and answers to prayers that I had long forgotten...they are like whispers from God, saying and encouraging me to keep keeping on!
Thank you, Lord for being the God of the impossible!
Thank you for the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus, that has given us the confidence of a new life and hope for all areas of our lives as we submit them to you!
Thank you God for loving us and caring for our every situation!
Thank you God for listening and answering our prayers!
Thank you God for the victory over these situations that we are facing, for the deliverance from everyting that exalts itself against You in our lives!
Thank you God that Your Word is the final word over our lives!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
My Fair Lady and the stage production!
Today, we had an awesome experience with some fellow HS families as we all went to see "My Fair Lady" at the Theatre Royal, Sydney. It was my protege's first theatre experience outside of the awesome productions we've seen through our church and churches like Hillsong, as well as some quite spectacular end of year plays that Calvary Chapel Christian School used to present, many of which my kids had taken part in. Here was something we had seen in a movie and we were curious to see how they would translate all that we had seen there onto a live stage! We were not disappointed! The whole musical held your attention and even the set changes were creative and breath-taking. The races at Ascot were soooo well English and proper! We loved it!
At age 17, my 'Fair Little Lady' is experiencing many leaps of knowledge and experience that come with the territory....the good, the bad and the ugly. However, despite the tests, God has been steering the cruise ship through all troubled and calm waters.
Lately....I can't help but have these constant flashbacks to when she and my boys were these three little individuals...and that's the very word...individuals...and as they begin to establish themselves in this bigger world of theirs, it can prove to be really worrying at times for us as parents!
Just when I think...THAT'S IT...THEY'VE LOST IT...God does put me to shame...because they will come out with the the basics we have tried to lead them to...and yet with added depth as they have learnt to apply God's principles to the situations and tests that they have to deal with in their own lives!
It's just a matter of trusting God...regardless of what the panic and worry triggers inside try to create. I remember my husband very early on in our parenthood, kneeling before God and saying to Him that he was giving the kids back to Him...for God to raise them and guide them and basically surrendered them to Him. Not understanding fully what this involved....I kind of panicked! What was he doing, I thought!
On this side of the journey, I understand that what he did was very insightful and I know that the basically trouble-free childhood I enjoyed with my three was because of God's presence in their lives!
Thank you God for listening to him rather than to my ungrounded concerns!
HENCE.... we confront, embrace and grow everyday...remembering to try to be flexible from the perpective of dealing with what comes our way..... not with the principles!
As parents we were extremely proud of our 'baby girl's' course results today...she was given another DISTINCTION for her last assignment...all of which was her own work!!!! This has only proven to encourage her and reinforce the constant nagging that " MOM" has been doing about her being capable of achieving anything she puts her mind to....which as your typical teenager does not necessarily have her academic achievements in first place, however, having committed to this course...deadlines have to be met and course units completed...all within the learning and growing and responsibility perimeters!
Our boys too have been coming home with Merit certificates from school!
So all round...we are some mighty proud parents...knowing that these little things are proving to them that they have no need to be concerned about having others recognize their achievements and abilities...something that because of opinions held by our many 'schooled' friends had chipped away at their self-confidence and even self-esteem, as their ability 'to cope in the real world out there' was always questioned!!!!!
Tests aside...troubles dealt with and forgotten...I thank God for these children and the husband He gave me...
I am humbled and awed....
I only pray that He guide me every step of they way as I carry out my roles of mother, teacher, friend, wife and 'helper'.
To many these choices represent that I have limited my abilities...yet...I am challenged daily...I've grown in ways that I would never have dreamt possible through the commitment of marriage and family...
God and my family keep me real...Thank God!